Non-identification – Letting go of worldly identification with certain qualities of names and forms…

In the world of names and forms, our mind is being conditioned to believe that it is very “important” about having an “identity” of who we are that attached to certain qualities of names and forms to be “who we are”.

There’s nothing wrong with this worldly thinking and belief, but we need to know how to accept ourselves as who we think we are, without expecting other people to accept us as what we think we are, and allow other people to be free whether to accept us as what we think we are, or not.

In yoga practice, we are letting go of any identifications with any qualities of names and forms to be “who we are”. We don’t even need to accept ourselves as we are, nor expecting anyone to accept us as we are. As there is no “I” existing to be identified as “somebody” with certain qualities of names and forms.

Realize this and be free.

Om shanti.

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