When the mind is in a state of great disappointment and despair

When the mind is being over-whelmed by the continuous hammering of repeating dissatisfaction, disappointment, frustration, irritation, anger, grief, sorrow, or hurt, it’s normal that the mind will be in a state of great disappointment and despair, where it is lost, doesn’t know what to do with itself and life existence anymore, where it doesn’t care about its own well-being, not to say, to care for the well-being of others, where life, or continuing living seems to be meaningless no matter what, where it is under going a state of exhaustion or burnout dealing with certain prolonged challenging, difficult, disappointing, disturbing, hurtful, sorrowful, unpleasant, undesirable, and disagreeable affairs in its personal life, and/or in the world.

When that is happening, the mind needs to have the initiation of wanting to be free from that state of the mind, and have the basic ability to help itself, which is by reminding itself, that all these are impermanent. It will pass away eventually, without judgment or expectation.

Then the mind can try to move the attention away from all that, to be focusing on something else. Such as taking a rather long ‘leave’ from certain worldly duty and responsibility, or from study, or from work, or from family, or from a relationship, or from friends circle, or from the community, or from the social medias, and go travelling somewhere, and learning new things, not for building more new friendships or relationships, or to achieve something and be successful, but merely to be focusing on oneself, alone, for a prolonged period, not just for a short few days or few weeks.

The mind can also try to restore or boost its energy level by engaging in a more ‘uplifting’ lifestyle, such as engaging in certain gentle form (non-violence/non-aggressive way) of physical and mental fitness training activities, that involve twisting, forward bending, backward bending, side bending, inversion, balancing, and chest opening physical movements, and engaging in critical thinking mental training that involve attention, focus, and reasoning, as well as consuming a diet that can help to uplift the energy level, even if all these physical and mental effects are also impermanent, that can help to energize and uplift the state of mind for some time, but it’s not the solution.

When the mind is able to divert its attention onto something else, and have a few moments of quietness and calmness, while regaining certain energy level through engaging in a more ‘uplifting’ lifestyle, then the mind can start to observe or look into all those challenging, difficult, disappointing, disturbing, hurtful, sorrowful, unpleasant, undesirable and disagreeable affairs/experiences/conditions/situations/events that the mind thinks and believes is the cause of its state of great disappointment and despair, to understand what is really happening in the mind, by standing as a ‘third party’ looking into its own modification or thought activities, and performs inquiry towards what is the real cause of the despair state of mind.

It requires certain degrees of independence, patience, forbearance, acceptance, determination, non-association, non-identification, non-craving, non-aversion, non-judgment, and non-expectation, for the mind to help itself to recover or come out from the prolonged energy exhaustion or burnout.

If the mind doesn’t know how, or reluctant to help itself, and would rather to be continuing drowning in such despair state of mind, where it can’t look after its own well-being, can’t perform daily tasks for everyday living, can’t think properly, can’t eat, can’t sleep, can’t work, or can’t enjoy anything, then that is its own freedom and desire.

That’s why it’s highly important for the minds to be developing certain degrees of independence, patience, forbearance, acceptance, determination, non-association, non-identification, non-craving, non-aversion, non-judgment, and non-expectation, before it comes to the point of ‘drowning in great despair’ upon dealing with too much over-whelming and hammering life experiences.

It’s not about trying to help the world to be a better place. It’s not about trying to be a good person. It’s not about trying to be perfect or exceptional. It’s not about running away from difficulties, duties and responsibilities. It’s merely about do one’s best to be looking after oneself.

When the mind is well or fit enough to be looking after its own well-being, then only it can look after its worldly duties and responsibilities, its family, its relationships, its friendships, its community, its study, its work, or the surrounding environment, properly.

Inquire the truth of everything.

World peace

Yoga is very much related to the cause of promoting and achieving ‘world peace’, which is only achievable via the realization of unconditional peace from within oneself, where the minds that are occupying and sharing this space in the universe, are free from the influence of ignorance and egoism.

Originally, many yoga schools were being founded under the advocacy of promoting and achieving world peace.

World peace is the reflection of healthy minds occupying the world, having clear thinking, correct understanding, self-control, respect and accommodation, that allows all and everyone under different qualities of names and forms to be sharing this space of the universe living in peace and harmony among one another, free from all kinds of ignorant thinking and behavior, greed, selfishness, hatred, jealousy, corruption, discrimination, threat, violence, unrest, bully, abuse, exploitation, offensiveness, oppression, invasion and war.

The world is just being what it is. It is neither peaceful nor not peaceful.

It’s the minds that are occupying the world constantly acting and reacting, either wisely and selflessly or ignorantly and egoistically, that is determining whether there is more peace and harmony in the world, or not.

If more minds in the world are in good health, or more minds are being free from the influence of ignorance and egoism, then there will be more peace and less unrest in the world, regardless of the inevitable selfless impermanent changes of the condition in the world, and different life experiences, where sometimes it’s desirable and pleasant, and sometimes it’s undesirable and unpleasant.

Though yoga is about advocating world peace, it’s nothing to do with having an authority or authorization that is about regulating and controlling everyone to behave or not behave in certain way, or to be fighting against what certain human beings or communities categorized as ‘bad’ or ‘evil’ human beings, but it’s about the minds having awareness and initiative to free themselves from the influence of ignorance and egoism, realizing unconditional peace and selfless compassion in themselves, being independent, having clear thinking, correct understanding and self-control, respecting and accommodating all kinds of names and forms being different from one another, while being kind to one another instead of hurting one another.

Particularly those who have the aspiration, capability and opportunity to become present and future various types of influencers and leaders in the world, that are impacting the world in certain way, they need to be free from the influence of ignorance and egoism. Otherwise there will be less peace and harmony, or more unrest and disharmony in the world, which is what was happening, is happening, and will be continuously happening.

If all minds are free from the influence of ignorance and egoism, the world doesn’t really need any influencers or leaders to be influencing and leading other minds. However, not many minds have the awareness and initiative to free themselves from ignorance and egoism. There are very few minds are free from the influence of ignorance and egoism in the world that don’t need to be led by any leader or to be inspired by any influencers, to live life in certain way. There are many minds couldn’t function or live life independently, where they think and believe that they need to attached towards certain communities and ideas being led by certain leaders, or they need to be inspired by certain influencers, to live life in certain way, or to make certain decision.

And hence, many yoga schools were ‘initially’ being founded under the cause of expounding the teachings of yoga and promoting yoga practice in the world, that is mainly about the elimination of ignorance and egoism from the mind, in order to help the world to have more selfless, wise and compassionate leaders or influencers, that are greatly impacting the situations in the world. It’s really not so much about promoting the physical health and fitness condition, but mainly about looking after the state of the mind, or mental health. Unfortunately, just like everything else that are impermanent, many ‘yoga schools’ are also evolving or changing into something that is not so much about the elimination of ignorance and egoism, but instead, it’s empowering ignorance and egoism, attaching towards and chasing after the qualities of names and forms that the minds like, desire and agree with.

Similarly, ‘awareness’ is about the mind turning inwards, being aware of what is going on in itself, being aware of ignorance and egoism in itself, being aware of the selfless impermanent restless modification of the mind, and be initiative to eradicate ignorance and egoism from itself, to silent or annihilate the modification of the mind. However, ‘awareness’ is being practiced as being aware of what is going on in the body (pleasant and unpleasant sensations/good and bad conditions) and in the world (agreeable and disagreeable happenings/desirable and undesirable situations), while chasing after and gratifying the desires of craving and aversion, to attain and empower the sense of satisfaction, goodness, happiness, positiveness, joyfulness and meaningfulness.

It’s okay if one doesn’t necessarily have very good physical health and fitness condition, being unable to perform many actions in the world, but it’s highly important to be having good mental health, be free from all kinds of mental corruptions, being at peace, as one is, going beyond the energy fields (the three Gunas) or the fluctuating hormones and secretions in the physical body, going beyond the selfless impermanent state of the mind, going beyond all kinds of duality, being undetermined and undisturbed by the selfless impermanent qualities of names and forms, the desirable and undesirable life experiences, or the pleasant and unpleasant conditions of the world.

While having very good physical health and fitness condition, but without good mental health, and being able to perform many actions in the world, physically and mentally, functioning under the influence of many kinds of mental corruptions, can be detrimental or even dangerous to oneself and the world.

Having wise and compassionate leaders to lead the ignorant minds is good, however, having wise and compassionate teachers that guide the ignorant minds to be free from ignorance and egoism, to be independent, to be free from corruptions and suffering, is much better.

People talk highly about the liberty of liberation from being ruled by foreign power or authority as what independence is about, however, this type of liberation doesn’t stop the world having so much unnecessary man made problems and suffering arising from ignorance and egoism.

The real liberty, or the ‘useful’ liberation, is about the minds being free from the influence of ignorance and egoism, and there will be less problems and suffering deriving from ignorant egoistic human beings in the world.

Similarly, depression and some other kinds of mental or physical illness and disability, are a great suffering for quite many people, as well as might can be ‘controlled’ or ‘relieved’ under certain medical treatments and rehabilitation activities, however, the most serious form of illness in the world of human beings, is the mind that is functioning under the influence of ignorance and egoism. Those who don’t suffer from depression or any kinds of mental or physical illness and disability, who might be highly energetic, healthy, fit, intelligent, knowledgeable, educated, talented, skillful, successful, wealthy and powerful, but could be under the influence of deep ignorance and intense egoism, they can be performing many actions in the world that cause many kinds of damages to oneself, others, the surrounding environment, or the world.

Inventing and possessing more and more higher technology defense equipment or weapons to protect one’s nation or to fight against other nations doesn’t stop wars and the consequences of it from happening. It’s all the leaders and influencers in the world, or those in position or power to impact the world in certain way, that need to be free from ignorance and egoism.

Transcending difficulties by understanding, non-attachment and desirelessness

Transcending existing difficulties won’t change the difficulties into something else, and won’t make the difficulties become less or disappear. But through understanding and non-attachment, one is not being determined by the difficulties. The difficulties are just being what they are. They arise, change and pass away as they are, at their own cause.

Just as knowing the truth of things won’t change the things being what they are.

The direct experience of different types of difficulties allows the mind to understand towards the many types of suffering that different minds might go through.

Many people believe in and propagate ‘the law of attraction or desire’, “Don’t think of negative things and there will be no negative things come into your life, or, only thinking about positive things and there will be only positive things come into your life.”

That’s their freedom of thinking and desire. It’s not the practice of Yoga or Buddhism.

The teachings of Yoga and Buddhism teach about the law of nature, the law of cause and effect, the truth of selflessness and impermanence, the relationship between ignorance and suffering, and the practice of non-attachment and desirelessness of non-craving and non-aversion as the path of liberation.

Transcend the thinking mind. Transcend all the names and forms. Transcend the world of ignorance and egoism. Transcend birth and death. Transcend all kinds of dualities. Everything is just what they are. They are neither positive nor negative. Need not pushing away or craving for this or that. Allowing everything being what they are, as they are, and all are selfless and impermanent.

Suffering arise upon the presence of attachment and desire. Free from attachment and desire, there’s no suffering.

All kinds of fear exist following attachment and desire. Free from attachment and desire, fear doesn’t exist.

Freedom from fear is liberation, is freedom, is peace.

Be free.

How to live in the present?

Whether the mind is aware or unaware, agrees or disagrees, there’s nothing else other than NOW. There’s no living outside of NOW. It’s always being in NOW, living in NOW, regardless of the ignorant impure egoistic mind is always wandering between the remembrance towards ‘the past memory of impermanent changes of names and forms that the mind perceived as something pleasant/happy/enjoyable or unpleasant/unhappy/suffering’ and the anticipation/projection towards ‘the future being in certain way that the mind perceived as desirable or undesirable’.

Due to the function of the memory of remembering/observing the process of the impermanent changes of names and forms, from birth, to growth, to aging, to decaying, to old age, and to death, of all kinds of desirable/undesirable and pleasant/unpleasant experience/relationship, on top of the movement of the earth in NOW that generate the perception of day/brightness and night/darkness as well as the natural interchange cycle of the state of rest/sleep and waking, and the mechanism of the movement of the clock or watch that generate the strong idea of the existence of ‘time’, of past, present and future.

One can perform this experiment of watching the entire process of cooking the bread in the oven. The action of watching all the changes in the entire process of cooking the dough to become bread, is always in NOW.

Under the function of the timer/clock/watch, the bread takes about ’40 minutes’ to be cooking from the form of a dough to become a ready to eat bread. But the bread is always being cooking in NOW, and keep cooking in NOW until the bread is ready and stop cooking, which is also in NOW. The process of cooking the bread through the high heat produced by the oven that changes the entire structure/texture/taste of the dough to become the form of bread, that generates continuous changes of the form of the dough/bread from moment to moment is always in NOW, in this present moment.

No matter how much/little and what type of changes are happening in this present moment, it’s always in NOW.

One might remember one has slept for a few hours earlier, but the remembrance of ‘that’ is in NOW. It’s always [I am sleeping/not awake], [I am awake/not sleeping], [I am doing something], [I am not doing something/anything], and constantly remembering [I was sleeping], [I was awake], [I slept], [I didn’t sleep], [I did something] or [I didn’t do something/anything] in NOW, while the body is going through impermanent changes ceaselessly.

The witness/observer of impermanent changes is timeless, it’s always NOW. There’s neither a past nor a future. The mind might be remembering ‘the past experiences/impermanent changes’ and imagining/anticipating ‘the future anticipation’, being aware of many people/beings had lived and died, many things/relationships had appeared and disappeared, many feelings/sensations had arose and passed away, but all these modifications are always in NOW.

The physical body and the thinking mind is always living/going through impermanent changes in NOW, until the process of death/decomposition takes place, it’s also in NOW. The process of aging/decaying is always happening in NOW, until death/decomposition takes place, in NOW.

If the mind is free from or knows how to detach/unattached towards the remembrance of all the impermanent changes of desirable/undesirable and pleasant/unpleasant perception of names and forms or experiences, there’s no hurt, or grief, or sorrow, or regret, or guilt. If the mind is free from or knows how to detach/unattached towards the imagination/anticipation towards ‘the future’, there’s no fear or worry.

It’s either one is okay or not okay, comfortable or uncomfortable, in NOW, in this present. It’s normal and nothing wrong if one is not okay or uncomfortable in NOW. Whether one is okay and comfortable, or not, this is impermanent and it is changing and passing away.

The middle path and renunciation

The teachings of Yoga and Buddhism is being practiced on the middle path. It’s neither leaning towards indulging oneself in pleasurable enjoyment nor intentionally torturing oneself in difficulties and painful suffering, but it’s living a life of simplicity without drowning in greed/discontentment/stress towards achieving higher success/achievement/enjoyment/comfort/security in life, and without struggling under insufficiency of daily needs to be looking after the well-being of the body and mind while living in the world, independently and self-sufficiently, as much as possible.

The path of renunciation is indeed the middle path, though many people would categorize it as one form of extremity. One can renounce the worldly life consisting of worldly passionate social relationship, connection, interaction and activity without torturing one’s body and mind in painful suffering, while living a modest simple way of life, being in seclusion and solitude most of the time, where one would perform necessary actions and dealing with other people/beings if necessary, but without engaging in worldly social interaction and activity, and without attachment or clinging towards worldly relationships and connections as well as pleasurable enjoyment of the senses.

No doubt that everyone needs to ‘work’ or performs action to be looking after the life of the body and mind, but for the yoga practitioners, one doesn’t need to spend entire life time and energy into achieving worldly success and achievement in ‘working’ to be more wealthy, successful and secured financially, but after spending some time and energy into ‘working’ to acquire enough livelihood, one can spend more time and energy into looking after the well-being of the body and mind, which isn’t about building relationships and connections by engaging in worldly social interactions and activities, just like what most people, including mental health professionals would think and believe that active engagement in passionate social interactions and activities to be building relationships and connections is essential for mental and emotional health.

For the yoga practitioners, looking after the mental and emotional health is more about retreating from all those worldly relationships, connections, interactions and activities to quiet the restless activity of the mind, mentally and emotionally, understanding that all joy and happiness deriving from engagement in pleasurable, desirable and agreeable relationship, connection, interaction and activity, will change and disappear eventually. Impermanent changes might not affect or disturb the minds that have developed strong foundation in dispassion and non-attachment, but most of the untrained passionate minds that attached strongly onto names and forms that are pleasurable, desirable and agreeable would be determined by impermanent changes, and be affected and disturbed mentally and emotionally.

It’s neither right nor wrong in the two contradicting approach towards looking after the well-being of the mind mentally and emotionally, it’s just different understanding or realization towards what is suffering and the cause of suffering.

The worldly passionate minds think and believe that the lack of social relationship, connection, interaction and activity is the cause of mental and emotional illness/suffering, and thinking that the solution is through seeking comforts deriving from active engagement in passionate social relationship, connection, interaction and activity, to feel good and better.

While the dispassionate minds stop empowering or gratifying the desire of craving and clinging towards passionate social relationship, connection, interaction and activity that might make the mind feels good and meaningful momentarily, but then the mind would suffer very much mentally and emotionally if the pleasant enjoyable agreeable social relationship, connection, interaction and activity is not available for some reasons. And so, they work diligently to root out egoism of attachment, identification, desire of craving and aversion, judgment, comparison and expectation, which is the root cause of all restlessness and suffering, to allow the mind to realize unconditional peace that is nothing to do with momentary pleasant good and meaningful feelings deriving from engagement in pleasant/desirable/agreeable passionate social relationship, connection, interaction and activity.

The mind is peaceful as it is, regardless of the impermanent condition of life, the body, the mind and the world.

What to renounce and embrace in renunciation?

What to renounce in renunciation?

Renounce the idea of ‘I’, ‘my’ and ‘mine’.

Renounce action and the fruit of action. It doesn’t mean non-action or irresponsible towards the consequences of action, but performing action without attachment, identification, intention and expectation, and allowing the fruit/result of action being what it is, as it is.

Renounce egoism of attachment, identification, desire of craving and aversion, judgment, comparison and expectation.

Renounce qualities, names and forms.

Renounce past pleasant/unpleasant, desirable/undesirable, enjoyable/non-enjoyable, happy/unhappy experiences and future imagination/anticipation/projection.

Renounce day dreaming and building castle in the air.

Renounce scheming, plotting, planning.

Renounce petite mindedness and stinginess.

Renounce worldly social relationships, connections and interactions.

Renounce worldly affair, habit and activity that empower egoism and ignorance.

Renounce worldly ideas, values and objects.

Renounce worldly thinking and belief.

Renounce superstitious belief and practice.

Renounce healing and gratification of desire through superstition practice or superhuman power.

Renounce novel, magazine and news reading, TV and movie watching, and theater visiting.

Renounce self-righteousness based on particular social, cultural, tribal, racial, religious or political thinking and belief, values and practice.

Renounce physical/mental/emotional intoxicant and addiction.

Renounce pride, arrogance, greed, jealousy, envy, admiration, blaming, fault-finding, slandering, back-biting, gossiping, flirting, dissatisfaction, disappointment, offensiveness, defensiveness, anger, hatred, violence, fear and worry.

Renounce debates, discussions and arguments.

Renounce possessiveness, selfishness and protectiveness.

Renounce worldly passionate greed and ambition, desire and lust.

Renounce spiritual greed and ambition, students recruiting, ashram building, cult forming, follower and disciple hoarding.

Renounce the outgoing tendency of the mind.

Renounce interference towards others’ diverse way of living, thinking, belief, values, practice, judgment, action, inaction, reaction, non-reaction, behavior, and so on. What others do with their life, their energy, their body and mind, is their own freedom and responsibility.

Renounce the urge to change or control the world and everything to be the way that I like it to be, or the way that I think how it should be.

Renounce extremity of laziness/idleness and restlessness, over fasting and over eating, rigidness and slackness, austerity and indulgence, and etc, without comparing with one another, as what is extreme for one might be moderate for another, and vice versa.

Renounce chasing after sympathy, empathy, love, attention, support, recognition, acknowledgement, accreditation, appreciation, praise, compliment, agreement, approval, friendship, companionship, enjoyment of the senses, name, title, entitlement, fame, respect, authorization, power or wealth.

Renounce intention, aspiration and inspiration.

Renounce self-idolization, self-glorification, self-boasting, self-flattering.

Renounce duality of what the worldly social/cultural/religious/political thinking and belief categorized as good/bad, right/wrong, positive/negative, happiness/unhappiness, meaningfulness/meaninglessness, success/failure, praise/condemn, respectfulness/disrespectfulness, deserving/undeserving, and so on.

Renounce the sense of confidence, self-esteem, self-worth and meaningfulness.

Renounce the sense of humiliation, guilt and shame.

Renounce the sense of being hurt, intimidated, belittled, insulted, disrespected, bullied, piteous, ill-treated, and etc. Understanding that all kinds of human beings action and behavior that resulting in hurting/disturbing/violating some others are deriving from ignorance and mental illness/corruption, and hence, need not be determined by the products of ignorance existing in the world. Being ignorant is not a crime, or sin, or punishment deserving, but it would lead to many ignorant actions and reactions that bring along further ignorant consequences, and all minds perceiving this impermanent selfless worldly life existence of names and forms are under the influence of ignorance, unless the mind realizes ignorance in itself and be initiated to be free from ignorance.

Renounce grief and sorrow.

Renounce the sense of boredom, meaninglessness and loneliness.

Renounce clinging towards the world of impermanent selfless names and forms of the mind perception of worldly life existence.

Renounce ignorance and the consequence of ignorance.

Renounce blind-believing, blind-following, blind-practicing and blind-propagating.

Renounce physical, mental and emotional dependency, unless one is suffering from physical, mental or emotional illness/malfunction/disability.

Renounce worldly egoistic freedom or satisfaction deriving from the gratification of passionate egoistic desire of craving and aversion, by attaining/experiencing what I like and want or desire, and not getting/experiencing what I dislike and doesn’t want or doesn’t desire.

Renounce political involvement, power accumulating, leadership or grouping.

Renounce any form of ‘legal’ and ‘illegal’ gangsterism and its similarity, such like worldly authorization is one kind of ‘legally approved’ and ‘supported by most people’ gangsterism which seizes power, possession and control over certain land, space, resources and the people on earth, and then collect money in the form of tax from the people with the excuse in return with providing public services, certain kinds of benefit, legal documentation/recognition/privilege/rights and certain degree of protection, while generate separateness and discrimination in the society to create fear and hatred among each other, creating the best situation for the authority to be in business by keeping in power to dominate the society and exploiting natural resources and manpower, by harassing, oppressing, torturing, persecuting and prosecuting anyone who appear to be ‘illegal’, ‘disrespecting’, ‘disobeying’, ‘going against’ the authority.

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

What to embrace in renunciation?

Embrace dispassion, solitude and seclusion in silence.

Embrace quieting and purifying the mind.

Embrace living/being in the present.

Embrace fearlessness.

Embrace open-mindedness and generosity.

Embrace patience, perseverance, determination, forbearance, tolerance, acceptance, adjustment, adaptation and accommodation.

Embrace calmness, clarity, correct understanding, contentment, simplicity, truthfulness, straightforwardness, non-violence, non-possessiveness, non-authorization, non-separateness and non-discrimination.

Embrace non-attachment, non-identification, non-craving, non-aversion, non-judgment, non-comparison, non-expectation.

Embrace selfless compassionate kindness that is void of attachment, identification, intention and expectation.

Embrace self-inquiry and investigation towards the truth of everything, being uninfluenced by personal likes and dislikes, agreements and disagreements deriving from worldly social/cultural/religious/political thinking and belief.

Embrace physical, mental and emotional independence as much as possible unless due to deform, injury, sickness or old age, one has no choice but has to be dependent on some others physically or mentally for certain things in this limited impermanent and selfless life existence.

Embrace right discrimination or wisdom that removes the veil of ignorance and leads to non-separateness and non-discrimination.

Embrace peace and harmony.

Embrace tranquility.

Embrace nature and the law of nature.

Embrace the truth of impermanence and selflessness.

Embrace everything as it is, not necessarily the way that I think how it should be and the way that I desire it to be, respecting the perceived names and forms, conditions and situations as they are, not necessarily pleasant or desirable, without being determined or disturbed by pleasant/unpleasant, desirable/undesirable perception of names and forms or experiences.

Embrace the yearning for liberation.

Embrace true freedom or liberation, being free from ignorance, egoism, impurities and suffering.

Embrace unconditional peace, being free from ignorance, egoism and impurities, being undetermined, unaffected, uninfluenced, undisturbed by the mind perception of different qualities of impermanent and selfless names and forms perceived through the senses.

Embrace self-effort, self-control, self-discipline, self-introspection and self-realization.

Embrace oneness, non-separateness, namelessness, formlessness, attributelessness.

Embrace annihilation of the modification of the mind.

Embrace silence.

Video – My daily asana practice 2020 stamina training (8)

This is part of my daily asana practice for stamina training.

Stamina training in yoga isn’t just about enhancing physical stamina, strength and flexibility, but more importantly, it’s about developing inner stamina, strength and flexibility, which is endurance, perseverance, determination, forbearance, patience, tolerance, acceptance, adjustment, adaptation and accommodation, while being free from attachment, identification, craving, aversion, judgment, comparison and expectation.

Video – My daily asana practice 2020 stamina training (7)

This is part of my daily asana practice for stamina training.

Stamina training in yoga isn’t just about enhancing physical stamina, strength and flexibility, but more importantly, it’s about developing inner stamina, strength and flexibility, which is endurance, perseverance, determination, forbearance, patience, tolerance, acceptance, adjustment, adaptation and accommodation, while being free from attachment, identification, craving, aversion, judgment, comparison and expectation.

Video – My daily asana practice 2020 stamina training (6)

This is part of my daily asana practice for stamina training.

Wishing everyone peace.

Video – My daily asana practice 2020 stamina training (5)

This is part of my daily asana practice for stamina training as well as attention or concentration training.

The entire practice routine is spontaneous with different movements and requires maximum attention, or else once the mind wanders off, the practice will be broken as we won’t be able to resemble what were the movements earlier. It’s a way to improve memorization.

Positive thinking vs dispassion and non-attachment

Positive thinking might be able to make the mind feels a little bit better momentarily, but it’s not the end of practice, as it doesn’t really help the mind to transcend ignorance and be free from suffering, as the mind is still being determined by the qualities of names and forms, where there’s craving/clinging/grasping towards the quality of names and forms that is likable, agreeable, pleasing and desirable for the mind, and there’s aversion towards the quality of names and forms that is dislikable, disagreeable, unpleasing and undesirable for the mind. There’s intentional egoistic tendency of changing something that the mind doesn’t like into something else that is less dislikable for the mind, as the mind is being affected/determined/disturbed/influenced by the quality of names and forms that the mind perceives through the senses. This mind is not free, even though by thinking positively might give momentary relief to the mind from continuously drowning in negative thinking.

While dispassion and non-attachment would allow the mind to transcend ignorance and be free from suffering, being aware of the mind perception of different qualities of names and forms regardless of what the worldly minded perceived or recognized as good/bad/positive/negative quality of names and forms, but without being affected/determined/disturbed/influenced by any quality of names and forms, going beyond all the pleasant/unpleasant and desirable/undesirable or good/bad and positive/negative qualities of names and forms that the mind perceives through the senses of a worldly life existence.

By telling worldly egoistic passionate people to think positive in the midst of pandemic, lockdown, political tension, economy downturn, discrimination, fear, hatred, violence, unjust, corruption, worry and uncertainty, would most probably inflict further disappointment and frustration in the passionate egoistic minds that are being affected/determined/disturbed/influenced very much by the quality of names and forms or the unpleasant/undesirable condition and situation in the world. Such as “Things will get better for sure.” or “Everything will be fine in the end. Don’t worry.” or “We are good people. God will take care of us. Nothing bad is going to happen to good people like us.”

In yoga or Buddhism, it’s okay even if everything is not going to be fine in the end, and regardless of whether one thinks and believes oneself is a good person or not, whether one believes or disbelieves in God, it still doesn’t change the truth of impermanence and selflessness.

While the practice of dispassion and non-attachment is about seeing the truth of things as it is, even if it’s something really bad and terrible for the worldly egoistic passionate minds, without intentionally denying, or pushing away, or trying to change the unpleasant/undesirable condition or situation of the world, although one can perform kind and beneficial compassionate actions for oneself and/or others in the world selflessly at anytime and anywhere, but without expecting everything will be good and nothing bad, or expecting more good and less bad, knowing clearly that all is impermanent and selfless, without attaching onto the impermanent and selfless function of the body and mind or the perception of a worldly life existence of all kinds relationships and experiences that is being conditioned by actions and the consequences of actions, and hence, the mind is not being affected/determined/disturbed/influenced by it, remain equanimous and at peace as it is, even when disaster and death is approaching. This mind is free as it is, it doesn’t need to think positive at all, to be hopeful, wishing everything will be positive and good the way that the mind would like it to be.

It’s okay and there’s nothing wrong to react and feel negative, depressed, sad, angry, dissatisfied or disappointed towards the worldly condition and situation that the mind perceives and recognizes as unpleasant/undesirable/bad/negative, allowing the mind to react and feel as it is, but the mind knows clearly that even this feeling is impermanent and selfless, it’s not ‘I’. Need not be influenced or over-powered by this feeling to perform more actions that would most probably bring further unpleasant/undesirable consequences of actions.

Positive thinking is like leadership or having a leader, regardless of good or bad leader, who is being given the responsibility or power by a group of people (or the majority of the people under the system of democracy) to lead them, where these people need a leader to decide for them what to think and what to do, and be responsible for all the actions and the consequences of actions, as they are unable to think and act independently and incapable to take responsibility for performing action and the consequences of their action fearlessly. But, that is not a solution to all the problems in the world. Or else, the world would already be free from all kinds of problems since long time ago when leaders started to be existing in the world to lead a community or nation, if by having leader to lead a community is the way to a better world.

A really efficient community of the world doesn’t need any leader at all, not even a good leader, as everyone can think and act independently, wisely and responsibly, being free from ignorance, petite mindedness, separateness, discrimination and fear.

The teaching and practice of yoga doesn’t propagate leadership, or to create and train good/magnificent leaders that lead a group of followers who are dependent on the leader to give them a set of rules and regulations on what or how to think and act, or to live life and behave. It emphasizes on training/practice that would allow each and everyone to be able to be thinking and acting independently, wisely and responsibly, where none needs any leader or a set of rules and regulations to tell them what to think and act, or how to live life and behave, being free from ignorance, petite mindedness, separateness, discrimination and fear, by realizing selflessness, oneness, namelessness, formlessness, attributelessness.

Somehow, most of the worldly education/cultural/social/political system emphasized on producing great leaders to lead a bunch of followers to create a world that they think how it should be. While a very rare good and wise leader might bring some goodness to its community, but for how long this good leader can serve the community? What happen when this good leader is gone? Unless this good leader abandons leadership and transforms into a great teacher that would teach and train all and everyone to be independent, wise and responsible.

A truly great teacher never try to be a leader who leads a group of followers of a community and receives the power to hoard/guard/guide/protect that particular community. He or she will teach and allow all and everyone to become independent and wise, and be responsible for their own action and the consequences of action, to be free from ignorance and egoism, to be free from suffering and the cause of suffering.

Some would argue that there are too many people who are under the influence of ignorance, and hence, there is an inevitable need to have wise leaders to lead the huge amount of ignorant people. Just like many people emphasize on the importance of cultural/religious/community dependence and support, where many people believe that people would be lost and can’t live without depending on a particular culture/religion/community support. There’s nothing wrong with that, but even the enlightened Siddhartha Gautama Buddha never intended to be a wise leader leading a group of ignorant followers (as that would be so exhausting, going everywhere to help to solve everyone’s never ending problems due to ignorance.) He taught all and everyone about how to be free from ignorance and be independent, even though not all and everyone would attain success. Just like an ignorant leader can’t do anything to influence a group of wise people, a wise leader also can’t do anything to influence or change a group of ignorant people, not to say to take away or remove other’s ignorance. It has to come from each and everyone to be aware of ignorance and be self-initiated to be free from ignorance.

When someone fell and got hurt, a Buddha, or a great teacher, doesn’t go and comfort this person, “Oh no! Poor you. Such a bad thing happened to you. You don’t deserve this. But hey, I’m here for you. I will heal you and make you feel better.” Instead, they suggest, “If you want, you can see the truth from this experience. Falling and wounded is neither good nor bad, neither positive nor negative. Look into the action and the consequence of action. You fell, and there’s a wound, and there’s painful sensation. And look at the impermanence and selflessness of it, regardless of whether you like it, or not.” and “Whether you think and feel it’s okay or it’s not okay, of how you react towards this experience, it’s your own responsibility. It’s nothing to do with what you think and believe as right or wrong, or who’s responsible for the fall and the wound.” And this is true compassion, but most people would prefer the first version than the later one.

One can be living closely with a wise man for many many years, obeying and following the guidance/discipline of the wise man about how to think and act, live life and behave, but oneself never investigate the truth and is being comfortable with somebody else being there to tell oneself what to think and act, or not, but still one is not free from ignorance, where one doesn’t know what to think and act, how to live life and behave independently once there’s no more guidance/discipline from the wise man, unless one realizes ignorance in oneself, investigates the truth of everything, realizing the truth of things and eliminating ignorance through one’s own effort, and becomes independent.

Video – My daily asana practice 2020 stamina training (4)

This is part of my daily asana practice for stamina training.

Wishing everyone peace during this time being.

Video – My daily asana practice 2020 refreshing practice (5) | removing sluggishness & tiredness | normal speed

This is part of my daily asana practice.

It’s normal that sometimes the body and mind would be in a state of sluggishness and tiredness. We just need to move the body for a few minutes to get the blood circulating and energy moving, the sluggishness and tiredness will be removed, and the body and mind will be fresh and energetic again.

Wishing everyone peace during this time being.

Video – My daily asana practice 2020 refreshing practice (5) | removing sluggishness & tiredness


This is part of my daily asana practice.

It’s normal that sometimes the body and mind would be in a state of sluggishness and tiredness. We just need to move the body for a few minutes to get the blood circulating and energy moving, the sluggishness and tiredness will be removed, and the body and mind will be fresh and energetic again.

Wishing everyone peace during this time being.

Video – My daily asana practice 2020 refreshing practice (4) | removing sluggishness & tiredness | normal speed

This is part of my daily asana practice.

It’s normal that sometimes the body and mind would be in a state of sluggishness and tiredness. We just need to move the body for a few minutes to get the blood circulating and energy moving, the sluggishness and tiredness will be removed, and the body and mind will be fresh and energetic again.

Wishing everyone peace during this time being.


Video – My daily asana practice 2020 refreshing practice (4) | removing sluggishness & tiredness

This is part of my daily asana practice.

It’s normal that sometimes the body and mind would be in a state of sluggishness and tiredness. We just need to move the body for a few minutes to get the blood circulating and energy moving, the sluggishness and tiredness will be removed, and the body and mind will be fresh and energetic again.

Wishing everyone peace during this time being.

Video – My daily asana practice 2020 refreshing practice (3) | removing sluggishness & tiredness | normal speed

This is part of my daily asana practice.

It’s normal that sometimes the body and mind would be in a state of sluggishness and tiredness. We just need to move the body for a few minutes to get the blood circulating and energy moving, the sluggishness and tiredness will be removed, and the body and mind will be fresh and energetic again.

Wishing everyone peace during this time being.

Video – My daily asana practice 2020 refreshing practice (3) | removing sluggishness & tiredness

This is part of my daily asana practice.

It’s normal that sometimes the body and mind would be in a state of sluggishness and tiredness. We just need to move the body for a few minutes to get the blood circulating and energy moving, the sluggishness and tiredness will be removed, and the body and mind will be fresh and energetic again.
Wishing everyone peace during this time being.

Video – My daily asana practice 2020 refreshing practice (2) | normal speed | removing sluggishness & tiredness

This is part of my daily asana practice.

It’s normal that sometimes the body and mind would be in a state of sluggishness and tiredness. We just need to move the body for a few minutes to get the blood circulating and energy moving, the sluggishness and tiredness will be removed, and the body and mind will be fresh and energetic again.
Wishing everyone peace during this time being.

Video – My daily asana practice 2020 refreshing practice (2) | removing sluggishness & tiredness

This is part of my daily asana practice.

It’s normal that sometimes the body and mind would be in a state of sluggishness and tiredness. We just need to move the body for a few minutes to get the blood circulating and energy moving, the sluggishness and tiredness will be removed, and the body and mind will be fresh and energetic again.

Wishing everyone peace during this time being.